8 Aug 2007

Cream sage fetuccini

Cream sage Fetuccini

After making the pasta with sweet pepper I wondering what kind of sauce could combine with it. I think almost all, but, like I wanted to feel the flavor of the pasta I chose this smooth velvet sauce. Easy to make and that it always makes a hit

250Ml fresh butter cream or in can with low fat

2 tablespoons white wine

25 G chopped leaves sage

Pepper milled into the moment


Take to boil the fresh butter milk, if it is not fresh hardly to heat and it doesn't allow boiling, because it would cut it, add the wine and the chopped sage. Wait that it takes body and sprinkles with milled pepper and correct the salt at once .

Serve at the same moment


Thistlemoon said...

Sylvia! What a beautiful presentation! It looks so creamy and delicious!

Agdah said...

Eu já anotei a receita da massa para prepará-la na primeira oportunidade.

Sylvia said...

Jenn,is so creamy and the taste is absolutly divine.

Agdah ,com certeza voce nao vai se arrepender.Bjs

Anonymous said...

Wow - your cooking is an art! I love pasta dishes myself, but prefer tomato based pasta. However, I do have like certain cream based ones. I like your photos, too!

The Goddess In You

Sylvia said...

Joy I like tomato based too,but this time I made a little inovation
Thanks for your coment and visit

Anonymous said...

Sylvia o resultado final ficou MARAVILHOSO!!!Parabéns pelo capricho.beijo e bom fim de semana