Today I was fixing the pantry, it's amazing how we buy things we save it and sometimes we forget it. Well, at least this was my case. There, in the bottom was one of my more exotic scents, rosewater. The rose water is made from the rose's petals Less familiar to most westerners is rose water's use as an ingredient in food. In the Middle East and Asia, meat can be cooked and infused with it. There are recorded recipes dating back to the 8th century. Rose water also provides the primary flavor for many sweet treats. A teaspoon may be added to mango lassi or marzipan.
Turkish delight, a favorite candy in many Arab countries, derives its unique taste from this flavoring. To the untrained palate, the addition of rose water is often described as tasting "soapy," but that is often because many associate the fragrance of roses with skin creams. Once used to this taste, gourmets or gourmands can delight in numerous Middle Eastern and Asian dishes which evoke traditional cuisine at least a millennial old. Rose water flavors not only many foods of the Middle East, but also holds sacred importance in religious ceremonies .
As many of you who follow my blog know that I have a fondness for flavor blends or merger or fusion as they say. This recipe is one of most delicate truffle´s texture and a subtle aroma of roses If you intend to give something unique and made by you, this is the ideal offering . To some I gave an irregular shape to mimic truffles and other just gave the shape of ball. Do it the way you like.
Heat the cream and butter in a saucepan or microwave until just boiling. Remove from heat and add chopped chocolate, food coloring and rose water. Stir until the mixture is completely smooth. Allow to cool slightly and then whip until mixture thickens slightly. Put into the fridge for 1-2 hours. Using a teaspoon as a guide, roll even amounts of mixture into balls about the size of a cherry. Put back into the fridge for 20-30 minutes. Sprinkle with icing sugar and |

Nunca experimentei usar água das rosas em nenhuma comida, mas já comi algumas coisas que a levam e gostei. Esta receita ficou fantastica, adorei as cores!
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Juan Rainer
As trufas ficaram maravilhosamente delicadas e, com certeza devem ser deliciosas. Uma receita a ser testada. O post me lembrou o filme "As crônicas de Nárnia".
You have a beautiful blog with a special atmosphere, congratulations!
These truffles are gorgeous!
Beautiful presentation!
I have some rosewater and have always been meaning to try my hand at Turkish delight, but rose truffles would do nicely!!
Beautiful! Interesting fact about the roses too- I'd probably think they tasted soapy :)
Congratulation for your blog. It gives me the illusion that there is some room for good food in Buenos Aires.
A stunning array of sweet, delicate romance. I adore rosewater - anything rosewater.
Your truffles look wonderful! Gracias!
These truffles are simply gorgeous!
You always work with such wonderful flavor combinations in both your sweets and savory treats. What a delicate and dreamy presentation. Simply beautiful.
Very pretty! Your truffles look exquisite. (Lo siento por no poder hacer un comentario en español, mi español es muy malo!)
Very Pretty!!
Amiga, tem um mimo pra você lá no Cerejinha!! Beijão
Just found your blog via Pinterest. Great post and especially beautiful photography. I subscribed and will share this on Facebook too.
Charleston, SC USA
how u got that pink colour when color is not added in process
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