29 Jun 2007

Corn Mousse with Sesame Tuille

Today I thought of making a cold entrance. AndI made corn mousse, it is something that I like a lot. Let inspire me by the Vienna,'s Delicatesse mousse also in São Paulo. In that time I worked near the shopping mall. Take the lunch there with certain frequency, and I almost always ate the same thing. Cheese Quiche, lettuce salad with sprouted salmon and a lot of golden garlic. (Of course ,that later that to brush very well my teeth and to use a lot of Listerine) anyway, I love garlic. I never got the exact recipe of Vienna’s Mousse, and this has been . Anyway it is very flavorful and with a nice yellow color

Corn Mousse with Sesame Tuille

200 Grs fresh or frozen corn

250 mls creme fraicher

2 eggs white whipped until stiff

4 grs powdered gelatin, without taste

2 tablespoon (tea) sugar


1 pinch nutmeg

Cook the corn until this soft one retire of the water and process, increase the cream and the salt, then continue processing until obtaining a pasta, to increase the moistened gelatin and mix well. Beat the white with the sugar until whipped. Mix to the preparation of corn with soft movements for not undoing the mounted white, to take to the refrigerator for at least two at three hours.

For the tuille.

Cut rectangles of philo dough , paint the dough with melted shortening and to sprinkle with sesame. Grease the pan on the external side, of the same size that will be used in the Mousse. Ttake to the oven until this gilding, to deform carefully and allow to cool

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KellytheCulinarian said...

Very cute. I hate eating hot dishes when it's 110 degrees outside.

Cynthia said...

Hi Sylvia, just so that I am absolutely clear. This is a no-bake dish, the corn mousse?

Also the measurements in the recipe. Grs means grams? and the powdered jelly, the stuff we get in the jello packets? One retire of water, is that 1 litre of water?

I'd like to try making this dish. I like corn a lot.

Sylvia said...

Kelly ,I ate cold dishes in summer and winter ...but certanly in summer is better.

Yes, grs is grams ,and the powered jelly is the stuuf in the jelly packet .I buy a jelly box whith 4 packets (8 grs each) I use half packet (4 grms) with 4 tablespoons wather,then I put in bain marie until liquid. I hope be clear.These corn mousse is so good!!!