31 May 2011

Peaches, strawberries and blueberries slices

I do not remember when it was, I was watching a cooking show on television (as usual) sure was old, but  it doesn't matter, because I loved the recipe they were shown,  he (the chef) was baking with the children, with that  give you an idea that how easy it is.
The name of the show was Bill´s food hosting by Bill Granger, a very talented Australian chef.I loved his show, as well the recipes,I programmed all episodes of his show, so this way, is easier for me don't lose any show of him.

 Will seem overstated   but, I like so much the recipe that I baked two times on the same week once was as a test and the other one was as a dessert for some friend who came over for lunch, I add some whipped cream. I highly recommend to serve warm as well chilled. Hope you enjoy as much I enjoyed 



  • 1 ½ cups flour
  • 1 ½ teaspoon baking powder tea, but, more extra teaspoon.
  • 125g cold butter, diced
  • 1 / 2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 / 2 cup refined sugar
  • 3 thinly sliced ​​peaches
  • (use canned)
  • 250g strawberries, washed and cut in half lengthwise
  • 100g blueberries
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 0.70 cup milk

  1. Preheat the oven to 180C (350F/Gas 4). Grease and line the base of a 20x30cm (8x12in) baking tray. 
  2. Sift the flour and baking powder into a large bowl and then rub in the butter with your fingertips.
  3.  Stir in both the sugars. Press half the mixture over the base of the tin. Lay the fruits over the top and sprinkle with blueberries.
  4. Add the vanilla extract, extra baking powder, egg and milk to the rest of the base mixture and stir well – don’t worry too much about lumps. 
  5. Pour evenly over the top of the fruits and bake for 1 hour. Cool in the tray and then cut into squares to serve


sacerdotisadeisis said...

Me encanta tu blog. Es un placer disfrutar la gastronomía de la mano de unas fotografías maravillosas. Me encantan. Todo se ve tan apetecible. Enhorabuena.

Un besito,


Amalia Cook said...

Hola Sylvia: vine por mas!!! jajajaa, esta tan delicioso que descubri que tienes Blog y bueno, aqui estoy otra vez, todo esta delicioso! Gracias

Mari Nuñez said...

Me encanta el nuevo look de tu blog, esta mu bonito. Divinas fotos de la receta. Me la llevo. Mil gracias.


Sylvia said...

Muchas gracias por la visita y sus lindos comentarios.

Mari, gracias por haber notado el nuevo look.

Verónica Cava Blanco said...

visitando los blog de mis amigos conoci el tuyo de casualidad, tienes unas recetas impresionantes y te doy las gracias por compartirlas con nosotros, por lo que em hago seguidora de tu blog y espero verte pronto un beso